Please come back Mr Sunshine

Where has Mr Sunshine gone? What a horrible day. It's not cold but it has rained for most of the day. I managed to go to the park for my 'first thing in the morning' walk without getting wet but by the time Ann went off to her Pilates & Body Conditioning class it was absolutely chucking it down with rain. When she got home I managed to get another little half hour walk without getting wet, but by the time she went to work this afternoon it was absolutely chucking it down again. And when she came home she took me out again. Fortunately it seems to have stopped raining now. Yay!

I had to get tied up outside Sainsbury's this evening because Ann wanted mushrooms. Ann hardly ever ties me up outside shops because she's always a bit scared that someone might steal me, but our little local Sainsbury's have CCTV the self service checkouts right next to the window so she can keep an eye on me. Everybody speaks to me when I'm tied up. Today she spotted a lady making lots of fuss of me but when she came out of the shop, there I was..................... sitting in good dog mode.

And unfortunately that's the only photo that Ann has taken of me today, so that's what you're getting.

Happy Monday Evening Blippers. Xxx

PS – Our weather app is telling us that Mr Sunshine will be back out to play tomorrow. Yay!

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