Penny Farthings...1882?

After being underwhelmed yesterday at the antique tractor show, I was hesitant to go to a local "Pioneer Days" today. But, Lisa talked me into it.

I'm glad she did. A decent amount of old cars, a handful of old tractors, the old bikes, and several displays of things they did back in the pioneer days. Broom making, yarn spinning, and blacksmithing. Quite interesting.

A pair of car pictures are in my extras. A pair of 1930's-something Ford Model A's and grandson Beckett driving down the driveway in his car.

Why the question mark in the title? After some research, the Penny Farthing (high-wheeler) bicycle was around from 1872 to 1892, but it was dangerous. It eventually gave way to the "safety" bicycle, which morphed into the bicycle that we have today.

Why did the bikes beat out the Model A's? I love the bike shadows on the pavement.

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