
Started my morning walking the hound.

Headed to market after breakfast.  Couldn't decide if I really needed a waterproof but took it off when I reached the market.

Back home thought I needed to see if I could sort the dripping from the garage gutter which was making the brickwork very wet.  Removed some ivy and a bit of overhanging elder which wasn't the issue.  The gutter was full of water and wasn't running down the vertical pipe and filling the water butt.  I thought it strange that the butt wasn't full after all the rain we had.  Tapping the vertical pipe indicated it was blocked.  Pulled a lot of debris from the bottom of the pipe and heard the satisfying rush of water down the pipe into the butt.  No more dripping on the wall either.  Got a bit wet in the process.  Wonder if OH will notice?

Reading Jane Eyre with Readeasy student in the afternoon.

Mushroom, puy lentil and chopped spinach risotto for dinner.  OH 'This has come out quite good', a compliment.  I have been cooking for  half a century.

Pleasant evening everyone.

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