Orange embers

The little house grows quiet now she’s gone from it—
so he’ll set small orange embers of montbretia in a vase
before the bedroom mirror although its petals can behold
no more than themselves in the cold truth-telling glass.
—Eamon Grennan
A bit melancholy Eamon, for the montbretia is a riot of colour at the moment and lining the hedgerows. I tried to find a clump that also contained fuchsia, ragwort and purpleloosestrife - I'll work on it!
We were at Cork airport by 9.30 this morning - no, not jetting off to somewhere exotic (thankfully!) but delivering the rental van hired to collect all the books. 
The next few days are going to be a bit full on. I'm panicking now that the launch is going to be too well attended and we shall be like sardines, me pink and voiceless! Hey ho! It will be what it will be. Breathing in that montbretia helps. Not indigenous of course and highly invasive but you have to admire its flamboyance. 

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