
The summer colours are out in force - a heady mixture of purple loosestrife, montbretia, fuchsia, ragwort and the little blue vetch thing.  Much cooler today and overcast but I had a refreshing early morning swim.
A slight panic when I found that the new cards don't fit their envelopes - hopefully the right sized envelopes are now winging their way here. Another slight panic wondering if the last lot of cards and envelopes did fit - I hadn't though to check.
A zoom with Tyler in Toronto - do you remember I was meant to be hosting a Canadian from Conde Naste as he travelled around Ireland but I was a bit too snotty for visitors? Well we finally caught up and he was charming and had had a great time in Ireland, mostly stunned by how everyone was swimming.
Himself has been chained to the sewing machine most of the day, making a blind and jolly fabric panels for the cupboards. The jolly fabric is in fact fairly dotty so he is now a bit squiffy. They're looking excellent though. 
I hope everyone is coping across the water, it sounds ghastly. 

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