Prawfddarllen ac ati

Prawfddarllen ac ati ~ Proofreading etc

“It's been said that the role of the artist is to teach us to see and that's true. However, the role of other artists is to teach me how they see. To learn how I see is something that cannot be taught but must be learned.”
― Brooks Jensen

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Treulion ni bron yr holl ddiwrnod yn gweithio ar lyfr - prawf ddarllen ac ati - mae'n broses hir a chymhleth. Pob llyfr rydyn ni'n cyhoeddi, rydyn ni eisiau bod yn berffaith - wel, bron yn berffaith - ac mae'n amhosib dweud faint o amser y bydd yn ei gymryd.

Weithiau mae amser i gerdded o gwmpas yr ardd ac yn edmygu’r blodau, cyn mynd yn ôl i'r gwaith.

Rydw i'n meddwl fy mod i'n gweithio yn fwy caled ers fy ymddeoliad, ond o leiaf mae'n waith fy mod i eisiau gwneud.

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We spent almost the whole day working on a book - proofreading etc - it's a long and complicated process. Every book we publish, we want to be perfect - well, almost perfect - and it's impossible to say how long it will take.

Sometimes there is time to walk around the garden and admire the flowers, before going back to work.

I think I work harder since my retirement, but at least it's work I want to do.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Mae'r blodau yn yr ardd yn hardd ...
Description (English): The flowers in the garden are beautiful

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