
Dadadeiladu ~ Deconstruction

“Had I been present at the Creation, I would have given some useful hints for the better ordering of the universe.”
― Alfonso X, King of Castile

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Ar ôl ychydig o flynyddoedd yn addurno ein tŷ, mae'n amser i'r Lego Taj Mahal i fynd.  Mae Nor'dzin wedi bod yn ei dadadeiladu, yn ofalus, mewn trefn o chwith ac yn rhoi holl y  rhannau yn fagiau wedi'u rhifo. Mae hi'n gobeithio y bydd hi'n gallu gwerthu’r model i wneud tipyn bach o arian - i fod yn gallu prynu model arall.

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After a few years decorating our house, it's time for the Lego Taj Mahal to go. Nor'dzin has been deconstructing it, carefully, in reverse order and putting all the parts into numbered bags. She hopes that she will be able to sell the model to make a little bit of money - to be able to buy another model.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Lego Taj Mahal - Dadadeiladu - Amlygiad dwbl
Description (English): Lego Taj Mahal - Deconstruction - Double exposure

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