A little get together

A wee get together for Cameron before heading to SK. He was working at 4 so we started at one. We just had bacon rolls, or egg rolls and then strawberries and cream and cakes. It was great that mum managed to come. Morag freshened her up and as she had some pain in her stomach she gave her a shot of morphine.

Mum did so well sitting in the chair for a couple of hours. I just hope it’s not the last time she is here.

We had some laughs and Kevin suggested we have a quiz at the weekend , just like we did during lockdown and mum loved that. Kevin brought her some beautiful roses, very kind of him.

We got her home around 4:45 and we left her to rest while we had a walk around town and then Back to hers to make her tea. Denise came up with some bad news than another of mums friends from the complex, Aileen has only a couple of weeks to live. She is in Cornhill in pallative care. The cancer has eaten its way into her bones and her left arm was broken due to the cancer . It’s awful.

We finished up at the flat and said would see her at lunchtime tomorrow. Then I got a text from my brother that said ‘ok we are planning to get to mum lunchtime tomorrow, just saying so we don't arrive en masse, staggering her day.’ I was a bit annoyed at this text , his wording . Couldn’t he just say, Hi, we will pop up to mum tomorrow and give you the lunchtime off. Too aggressive. I’ve been doing this for years and sometimes G hasn’t been up from Dunblane for months!! But I will just reply ‘OK’. I’m too tired.

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