More nice surprises

... that our garden has thrown up: day lilies, garden phlox and a Deutzia bush! 

These delights aside, the hedges are a nightmare, and not of my choosing. I don't like leylandii (although they do provide privacy). I don't like hawthorn (except around fields) and I'm not keen on laurel - which at least looks nice, but is labour-intensive, growing tall and thick very quickly.

This morning, while Mr PP cut the grass clover at the back, I cut two-thirds of one section of leylandii hedge at the front, or rather another third, having cut one third the other day. Only stopped when thunder and rain arrived - lawn finished just in time! The thunder was a warning to put away the electric cutter and cables before the rain arrived, so that was good. Then did some weeding of the pebbled part of the front garden, which has been sadly neglected from long before we arrived. So, feeling quite pleased. Have also cut some fresh sweet peas to enjoy indoors.  

Had a delivery of bottled water from Anglian Water, kindly dumped at our gate this morning, since the tap water may not be fit to drink for a while, owing to a pump problem. (We've been boiling it since yesterday, even though it looks normal; no discolouration.)

The sun's out again, now, though still very windy. The day's not over... 

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