Nice weather for ducks

... as they say! But as I glanced out of our kitchen window, what did I see in our front garden but Mr and Mrs Mallard, waddling around?! My favourite visitors yet! They were leaving and this was the best shot I could manage by the time I found my phone. (Proper camera and I'd have missed them completely!) I did manage an hour or so's gardening before the rain hit (brambles and ivy, this time). Didn't want to use a noisy hedge trimmer on a Sunday, so the hedges will have to wait.

Today was the second half of Mr PP's archery tuition, and he came home with a certificate of competence. He's going back next week to be fitted for a hired bow & arrows set. He got pretty wet during the second half of his session. That is to say: drenched! But they all carried on regardless apparently. 

Now for an evening of relaxation...

(PS Thank you for all the lovely comments on my yesterblip.)

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