Gatekeeper on Yarrow

We went to Stonebow Washlands this afternoon for the first time since last October. Two hip revisions and a stay in hospital having intervened since then.

We'd missed the wild flower meadow which is now overtaken by maturing grasses. Some pink clover is still visible.

Hardly had we got there when I spotted gatekeeper butterflies cavorting amongst the yarrow. Sadly not much more to see other than an occasional white butterfly. Len said there were ducks and moorhens on the small pond. There was nothing on the large pond.

We should have come in June but I was still feeling wobbly on my crutches. I was glad to see the place again.

Choir in the evening making good progress on Vivaldi's Gloria but I really shall have to practice on the Missa Brevis. Last rehearsal next week before the summer break.

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