Kirkcudbright - A Royal Burgh
Today's the day ..................... for a Town Trail
This is the front cover of a charming little hardback book, written in 1934 by Jessie M King, the Scottish illustrator and designer - who was a resident of Kirkcudbright.
As you can see in the extra, it was really a sort of Town Trail round some of the interesting parts of the town. On the right page, there is one of her very precise drawings, with text on the left explaining where it is. It contains some fascinating bits of information as to how some of the streets and closes came by their names. And, as not a lot has changed in Kirkcudbright's street plan since the book was written, you could use it today as a guide.
Will and I have decided not to lead one of the Kirkcudbright History Society's Town Trails this year - for no reason other than to give someone new the chance to have a go. Instead, Will is going to do a Kirkyard Tour which has involved learning lots of new stuff about some of the interesting gravestones to be found in Kirkcudbright Cemetery.
That's where he is this evening as the tours have begun. Fingers crossed that it's all going well ......................!
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