Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

In the garden

This morning I spent some time in the garden trying to get some soft focus flower images, and then Xena came blundering through the geraniums so this had to be my image today - her collar matches the flowers!

I did some chores this morning, I got groceries, went to return a parcel at the post office, and caught up with some admin.

I had an eye check up booked for Friday but I phoned this morning to bring it forward as two days ago I noticed floaters in my right eye and was a bit concerned about them. The optician was very concerned and cancelled my routine eye test and rather spent the appointment taking scans and X rays of my retina as floaters can be a symptom of a retinal detachment which is very serious, or it could be a vitreous detachment when the jelly like vitreous pulls away from the retina. (Chris knows all about the dangers of a retinal detachment). Thankfully it looks like it is only a vitreous detachment but the optician has said I need to be careful over the next 6 weeks as it could possibly lead to a retinal detachment so no high impact exercises like running and no heavy weights in gym. Not that I am at risk of that happening but I just to be careful. She gave me names of eye hospitals in the UK near me that deal with this but as we are going to Switzerland on Saturday I must find a suitable hospital that deals with such a problem if it happens - just to be cautious, it is not likely to happen (fingers crossed). I will go back for my routine eye examination on Friday.

I had to phone Tommy to fetch me as I was not allowed to drive home after having those drops in my eyes, and when Gavin gets home they will go back to the village to get my car. My pupils are like saucers and I have a headache now, my eyes feel very weird after those drops. Tommy says my eyes were all black as my pupils were enormous! I am surprised I am able to type this and I won't look at any screens tonight.

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