Retro Style

I’m ploughing through lots of jobs at the moment, in an attempt to get so up to date with my life that I am able to award myself a day or two off to devote completely to dressmaking. Whether it will ever happen remains to be seen, because new jobs seem to appear as fast as I finish the old ones!

Today I’ve made three thank you cards for my daughter-in-law to give to our youngest granddaughter’s nursery teachers. H is going to start at her big sister’s school in September and will be the very youngest child in the reception class because her birthday is at the very end of August. (If she was a day younger she wouldn’t be starting school for another year.) I’ve also done some sewing alterations, one for the same granddaughter and one for myself, plus a bit of knitting. I did see quite a few butterflies in the garden – a meadow brown, a small blue and a white – but didn’t get any decent shots, so I decided for today’s blip to take a photo of some more items from my craft room, which I like to do from time to time. 

I know it looks as though it belongs in a Victorian office, but this retro-looking item is a stand for ink blenders. I don’t often have time to do some of the more creative aspects of card making, but it’s very relaxing to blend different inks in a circular motion with these tools. There’s a small piece of card in the photo to show you how it comes out, which has then been stamped on top in a contrasting ink. 

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