Roses for a Reunion

I’ve no idea what this rose is called, and I don’t remember when it was planted, but it’s doing very well at the moment.  Most of my other rose bushes have very few blooms, being currently in between flushes, so these are a welcome sight.

We’ve had a wonderful day today because we had a visit from my oldest school friend, whom I’ve known for 64 years, and her husband. They came for coffee and then a light lunch prepared by Smithers and didn’t go home until mid afternoon. The time just flew by, and the conversation flowed from the moment they arrived. We are all so relaxed in each other’s company, because we go back such a long way together and have so many shared memories. We reminisced and agreed that life today is very different from the days of our youth, and sometimes we feel we are living now on a different (and not such a pleasant) planet.

Out came the tripod before they left, and I took some shots of us in the garden as a memento of a very happy reunion.

(I’m sorry I’m so behind on commenting at the moment but hopefully normal service will be resumed as soon as possible …)

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