Almost trod on it!

Saturday 8th July 2023                       (backblip)

Very hot & humid ...... we had several heavy showers during the morning & early afternoon ..... wasn't sure we would get a walk.

However the rain stopped & the sun did try to break through the clouds so we decided to risk it ....... with our macs just in case!

Thankfully apart from a few sprinkles here & there we stayed mainly dry!

We almost stepped on this little froglet ...... noticed him & some of his cousins just in time! We made sure they got across the road safely!

We saw several Gatekeeper butterflies (top right) ... unfortunately none fancied opening their wings!

We also were surprised to see this Grey Wagtail (bottom left) perched at the top of a bush ..... not seen one of these here before!

Lastly (bottom right) is a male Blackcap singing .... not in the easiest place with branches all around!
We have seen & heard him quite often but this is the first opportunity I've had to get a photo so I just had to blip him!

Considering the weather wasn't the best we did rather well! Hope you like my choices :-)

Stay safe everyone :-)

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