All aflutter!

Sunday 9th July 2023                        (backblip)

I have also backblipped Saturday's Almost trod on it! ..... hope you will have a look .... thanks to those who already have :-)

Not as humid today ..... there was a welcome breeze!

We were quite late going for our walk as we were expecting a parcel ..... it was supposed to arrive between 12.00 - 13.00 ..... at 15.30 we gave up waiting & went out anyway!

Saw some young Swallows resting on the wire ..... just had to blip one!

Lots of butterflies fluttering about ...... it was difficult to decide which ones to blip!

Decided on a Ringlet (top right) love their markings ... a Red Admiral (bottom left) & a Gatekeeper with wings open (bottom right)

Hope you like my choices :-)

As we were heading home the sky was getting darker & darker .... thankfully the rain held off & we made it home in the dry!

The parcel was on the mat having been posted through the letterbox!

Stay safe everyone :-)

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