One day, this will be a lovely open plan space with sofas for the kids to hang out in. One day. At the moment it's a dusty, half-floored attic. Today we were working over on the right of this shot, putting up framing to hold the ceiling above our stairway, which has been a large rotten hole since we moved in. And I managed to refrain from saying 'I told you so' several times. Aren't I good.
There was also a lot of garden work on what turned out to be a day when I never had the right clothes on and spent the whole time either too cold or too hot. One of the sunny raised beds is (finally) filled with soil foraged from various corners of the garden, and some compost, and now has two tomato plants in it. The rest will follow over the course of what is set to be a (thank goodness) warmer and drier week.
We also managed to reinstitute our weekend walk habit, with just a short walk to get us back into the habit. TallGirl is poorly though - and I think it might be more than just tiredness. But, being 12 now, at least that means she can take proper medicine rather than baby painkillers. (Only half dose though - swallowing tablets was too much of a trauma to try and get her to take two.)
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