An earlier start than expected (after a late finish - the girls were still wide awake watching movies when I checked in on them at midnight). With breakfast over, they all amused themselves upstairs until lunchtime and then played outside until another friend arrived. Then jewellery making and a lot of giggling until all the Mums arrived for pick up. A long chat for us grown ups while socks were located and nail varnish bottles gathered, and then Mr B and I could start a long slow slide into a lazy evening of movies and snacking on cheese.
Between the sleepover guests arriving and the evening there was time for a wander along to the field nearby which is currently hosting countless red kites and seagulls. Of course arriving with two children was not likely to guarantee me relaxed birds to photograph as they (the kids) ran back and forth playing pooh sticks. So this was the closest I got. I will try again.
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