Small things
A largely pleasing day. Sunshine from morning till night - that probably helps the generally upish mood of the day, I suppose. Our first properly warm day for what feels like ages. Some helping with DIY this morning - mostly just holding an end so Mr B could nail up the other end. Then some DIY purchasing. Now the ceiling on the stairway is nearly done. Despite an ugly incident (oh how I wish I hadn't been out shopping and could have blipped it) when Mr B put the second but last bit of ceiling panel up... and realised he couldn't get his head back through the gap left for the last panel... Happily he was able to bash the panel back off rather than having to wait for me to finish a long happy trip to the garden centre.
Bought and installed some poppies as a present for Mr B - just by the spot where he sits in the evening to recover from the indignities of the day's DIY. They're his favourite. Also bought the fixings for a Spanish chorizo/rice/pork dish - slightly improvised but I think set to be a firm favourite. (Regular readers will be aware of our chorizo obsession...)
Tomorrow: more of the same, but with more outside time I hope. And a better TallGirl too I hope. After my mocking her for 'feeling hot' after school by reminding her that she'd just played an hour of rugby under the burning sun while wearing her skiing fleece zipped right up to her chin, she has the last laugh by developing a proper fever before bedtime. Poor love. I think a day off might be in order tomorrow.
The teeny flowers, by the way, are on a heuchera plant, and are much loved by the bees despite their diminutive size.
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