The Horned Zebra!
I knew this wasn’t going to turn out well but carried on anyway just for the practice.
The zebra on the photo I copied from had one ear flopped forward but it doesn’t show up on the print so the other ear looks like a horn!
I’m going to try it again but on an A4 piece of Lino so I can do between the lines better. I was happy with the body bit the hooves show up too small because the cutter was too wide. It’s all a big learning curve but I find it relaxing and engrossing to do. I had an idea to do a Yorkshire mill with a tall chimney, or a washing line with clothes on it.
I tidied a bit in the garden, it looks a mess just now because of all the building work, there’s stuff all over the place.
I made the tea tonight - potato salad and Richmond’s vegan sausages (the very best IMHO) with a mixed salad as well. It was delicious!
Now it’s jim-jam time and I might draw some ideas.
Goodnight ;-) X
Thanks for all the comments, stars and hearts this week! ;-D
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