
The meal last night with the Cheeky Monkey Taxi Service proprietor and his long suffering wife was excellent and the conversation of the company, as you might imagine, veered between the sensible and the deranged. 
Unused as I am to drink, it was a bad idea if I wanted a dreamless sleep, or in fact just sleep to have indulged in red wine, but I never learn.

It was therefore a slow start this morning, but eventually I sashayed out to another day of unrelenting sun  although there was a fairly brisk wind. A coffee outside, a walk to the Co-op and a wander about the streets and lanes and I felt it time to retire to the coolth of the Library with a view to continue reading the autobiography of Eddie Izzard.

Swimming was 2pm at high tide and there were 8 stalwarts wading into a fairly choppy sea. The trick was not to speak otherwise we were likely to get a mouthful of seawater. Handstands were tried but were hardly successful in the rolling waves but there was much hilarity in the trying. 

I can’t believe how lucky I have been with the weather this year. I actually had to pull the blinds against the sun this morning or I could have been cooked. As I write, the sky is cloudless and the sun is shining on my view of Orphir across the water.
If last night is anything to go by it will still be shining after 10pm. There are white horses out to sea but just a constantly jostling of the water near the shore.
Time to bring the washing in; it will smell heavenly.

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