Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Pick your own!

It's that season again!
My morning started with a visit to church to do the flowers for Sunday. I'm busy tomorrow so it had to be today. Our Rector has announced that he is going to Ukraine this month as part of a group delivering 4 wheel drive vehicles to help with the evacuation of refugees. Our curate went last month and this time they are both going to go. For that reason, even though they are not my favourite flower, I used sunflowers. You can see them in the extra. The best blue I could get was some agapanthus, but they are rather pale. Behind the yellow and blue, are some crimson roses, you can choose the symbolism, either the blood which has been agreed during the conflict, or the loving acts of those trying to help.
My next destination was Craigie Farm where I had ordered some cherries. They have a very short season, and are not yet in the pick your own section. Apparently, they opened them up last weekend and the trees were stripped in the short time they were available so they closed then of again and at the moment they are just picking to order.
They are always simply the best cherries I have ever tasted. I was so happy to get these today, see extra, I had ordered them on Tuesday. Huge and luscious and so juicy and sweet. My main blip was taken at Craigie, in the pick your own section. There is a small train drawn by a tractor, for the wee ones. It arrived back while I was waiting to pay and I watched as the parents swept in to gather up their children. I thought it gave a new meaning to "Pick your own"!
As well as collecting my cherries, I picked a kg each of blackcurrants and raspberries. Guess what I'm doing on Sunday after church!
When I'd finished picking I went home to drop off the fruit and to pick up Colin, fruit picking is not his favourite activity.
We headed off to Hopetoun Garden Centre for lunch. They have wonderful bird feeders at the entrance always visited by a huge selection of finches, tits and other birds. The robin in the extra caught my eye as he tucked in, in the safety of the squirrel proof cage.
The final picture of the collage made me laugh. I complain about magpies and pigeons emptying the feeders. Here, busy hoovering up the ground underneath them, as bold as brass was a pheasant. He looked very disgruntled at being disturbed as he waddled off through the trees.

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