Gone Fishing . . . Louis Armstrong

In New Zealand we have a friend Martin who comes to Alaska every year for the salmon fishing.  He comes to a camp ground on the Kenai River in the town of Soldotna.  He is arriving this weekend but we stayed at the camp and introduced ourselves to Martin's fishing guide.  Joe and his wife Debbie had been on the river with clients most of the day.  They were cold and were going to walk into town for pizza and a beer.  We tagged along.  It was a very good pizza and local beer.  
This morning we had coffee with them at their camp site.  It has been raining and raining so it all looks damp.  They keep their food in a tent and inside the tent the food is in squirrel proof containers.  The little critters will chew their way into anything.  When I go camping I have to keep my food in containers to protect it from the wekas.  When it isn't fishing season they live in Montana and Joe is a pilot. 
After leaving them we drove along the Kenai River and came to a stop when I saw this line of fishermen and fisherwomen in the river.  There was a bit of scrabbling down a bank to get a good view point. 
Extras Debbie and Joe, a couple being a team.  She is r4eady with the landing net.

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