Once in a Life Time . . . Talking Heads

We overnighted in Homer in a RV park on the spit.  Great shower and laundry caught up on.  The lady from the information centre had also recommended a breakfast place and we felt it was time we had a big American breakfast.  I managed two and half pancakes, eggs and pieces of watermelon which is big compared to a pottle of yoghurt and a banana which has been my breakfast.  We walked along looking at all the boats moored in the marina.  I had another random conversation with a young man.  He had been bungy jumping in Auckland NZ.  I asked about the numbers of parked cars and he said the Homer Spit in summer is like the Las Vegas strip.  Hundreds of people come to go fishing.  
On the way back to the camper we saw three eagles on the beach beside the water line.  I had the the wrong lens on of course so we watched them hanging out together until the flew off.  We hadn't driven very far up the road and we saw not one but two eagle fly across the road and land on this roof.  On with the long lens and I had a fun time.  So cool to see this beside a busy road.  They sat close together for a while and then it was a flurry of wings and they took to the sky.  I rarely get birds in flight so I was delighted.   

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