One year on

It's exactly one year since the Shandwick Bay swimmers got up and running. I'm so glad to have joined them in February this year.

There was understandably a good turn out for this evening's one year on swim, although it was a rather strange swim. Obviously the water was rather bumpy, as is evident from the blip, but what is not evident is that it was absolutely thick with jelly fish. Ugh. I more or less overcame my distaste of swimming with them. Gloves help, because at least you don't touch them with your bare hands. The ones we get in Shandwick Bay don't seem to sting, which at least is a relief. I was swimming and chatting with Alison, and she saw a seal bob its head out of the water a couple of times. I'm afraid I was facing the wrong way.

After the swim, there was cake and fizz. Much hilarity, as there had been with the swimming with jellies issue earlier on. CM had made a beautiful cake (see extra), which was also delicious. I happened to have a clean piece of Tupperware in my car, so produced that so that we could bring an extra slice home for Mr A to have as his elevenses tomorrow when he will be on his own.

It was a good end to a day when we both spent a fair amount of time in the garden, as the weather this morning was good. [It is not good this evening....fairly persistent drizzle and very grey/dark]. Mr A put two coats of stainer on the bench and I cleared the top level of the front garden which now looks bare, but at least now opens up a blank canvas for us to fill. The soil is in terrible condition, however. It is just riddled with fine roots. It will take some improving before we can really grow something successfully up there. There are also several stumps that we need to attack and try and eradicate some how, although I managed to remove a few of the holly tree runners using the fork and some brute force.

Anyway, no more gardening for me for a few days.

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