Through glass

It's a blip of the Cromarty Firth taken through a grubby train window, which has doubtless affected the quality of the picture. But the views from the train as I headed south were excellent.

To be honest, the first leg was the highlight of the trip. The second leg was on a train going to Glasgow, which I took as far as Perth. It was crammed young people heading to a festival over the weekend in Glasgow. The train started off pretty full and got fuller and fuller as the time went on. It didn't help that it was the wrong train, so there were no seat reservations... From Perth, it was the winding stopper through Fife to Edinburgh. Scenic in parts, but again very busy at least from Kirkcaldy onwards, with people heading in to Edinburgh. I was squashed in a window seat with nowhere to put my legs, so I bailed at Haymarket, visited the Simply Food in the station (more convenient than the one in Waverley) and got the tram to the Foot of the Walk. Much smoother, less busy, and more comfortable. I then picked up some bread at Kvasa and somehow a cinnamon bun fell in my bag....and headed back here through Jane Street.

I was pretty tired after an early start, but after eating a pizza for my tea I persuaded myself to head back over to the supermarket to pick up a few more bits I'll need for the next few days. It's rather warm in Edinburgh. 22 degrees at 8pm. That might make for an uncomfortable night. I miss sitting out in my garden :-(

Unfortunately, we forgot to empty the bin when we left a week ago, so that was a stinky mess I had to deal with. Nothing has died although the peace Lilly is looking a bit droopy. Other than that, all seems fine.

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