
By ArcLight

Achmelvich Adventure

This weekend saw a long planned Shandwick swimmers outing to Achmelvich. There were eleven of us, in four cars. I travelled with H (who drove, as we took her car to accommodate Cale the dog) and A. We arrived in waves and at the first swim there were eight of us. The water was pleasant, and a little warmer than Shandwick. Later on, before dinner, all eleven of us traipsed back down to the beach wearing dresses over our swimming costumes, for a frolic that onlookers thought was a wedding. Actually swimming in that garb was not really possible. I went in as far as my waist.

Aside from swimming, there was obviously eating and drinking - at the youth hostel, where we stayed and earlier for some of us at the pie shop in Lochinver where we went for an early lunch. There was also walking, on the beach and in search of the hermit's castle, which we found and which is smaller than I was expecting.

The whole weekend was brilliantly conceived and very well executed, and of course completely exhausting. I collapsed into bed at 11.30pm.

On return to Tain, I back blipped, adding in some extras.

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