San Diego: usual airport shot waiting to board

But not this plane. Ours is around the back out of sight. The first leg is to Phoenix, a 95 minute flight where I change for the overnight flight to London.

Went for a run with Chris early on this morning. The marine layer cloud which has been a constant early morning feature was absent today meaning the temperature was already in the 70s at 9.30am. A better run than last Thursday, managed much more running and only two stops to walk and was only 5 or so minutes behind Chris at the end. It took a long time to cool down.

Called in for brunch on the way to the airport. Straightforward drive and smooth so far. Some doubt as to whether my two carryons will be accepted. They should be given the return ticket was booked as an American Airways flight even thought the flight out was on BA.

Time has quickly gone and I’m hoping that my support has proved useful

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