Loch Insch and Kincraig

Tuesday 4 July

The paddleboarders headed to Loch Insch, around 5 miles from where we are staying for some paddleboarding. It was a warm day, and in the afternoon the sun came out.

I cycled over there to meet them. On quiet roads or forest tracks, took around 20 mins. I met them at the water sports centre and have them the pack lunch I had made, then I cycled up the road a bit to Kincraig where I was going to go to the little cafe there but it was shut Tuesday and Wednesday. Never mind I sat in the Ben h overlooking the osprey nest and had my sandwich.

Home around 3 and then we popped to Aviemore for a chippy tea for S, garlic bread and pasta for Ben and smoked salmon, cauliflower and fries for me! All different tonight!

Got a text late from my brother to say my mum was in extreme pain in her stomach and he was at the flat with her. They called for an ambulance, the paramedics said her temp was elevated and they wanted the on call doc to come and she advised admitting her to ninewells. Oh jeez it’s all kicking off when I’m not there!

Morag assured me that I had to stay here she was taking care of everything. Still, it’s my mum and I am worried and I’m not in charge.

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