A Windy..

…………………………arrival back into Scotland this morning, the piper on the quayside must have had his kilt well weighed down!

We were up, fed, finished packing, disembarked and headed home by 8am this morning. My ex picked us up so I spent the morning at his until MC and the wee one arrived to pick me up. Got to have a first look at the cottage G and his girlfriend will hopefully have an offer accepted on tomorrow…it’s a doer upper but has plenty of potential and a decent sized garden.

L and I mostly enjoyed our trip away…the ship was plagued with gastroenteritis the whole trip and we ended up with all public toilets closed; all buffets being served by staff; sanitizers everywhere with staff monitoring the use of the ones as you entered the restaurants; all menu covers and salt and pepper cellars removed from the dining tables; jacuzzi’s closed and various games cancelled. None of this really interfered with our enjoyment and there was plenty of enhanced cleaning going on in all the public spaces…we managed to stay clear of the bugs but those who succumbed were quarantined in their cabins for 48 hours.

The couple in the cabin next to us obviously came down with a flu virus and lack of sound proofing meant we’ve heard every cough, sneeze, nose blow and snore this last week…of which there were plenty all day and night long! L was looking forward to a good nights sleep tonight.

A few statistics: we walked 120k steps over 9 full days which amounted to about 50 miles and 285 floors. About 20,000 eggs were consumed and 250 nautical miles of toilet roll was used!!

It’s some time since I last blipped the gabions…the wind had wreaked havoc on the plants pots sitting on them this morning. The wee one is here for the night and nothing like sleeping at nearly 9pm… and nursery starts in less than 12 hours! It could be fun in the morning.

Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday.

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