Homeward Bound

A day at sea, we’ve been very lazy although we’ve done most of our packing. A bit too rough to be out on deck and most of the walkways are closed so we’re not going to get many steps in today! Having another Asian meal tonight followed by the Captains Farewell cocktail party, then it will be an early night as we’ve to vacate our cabin by 8am in the morning. Looking forward to seeing the wee man…and having a nose at the cottage G and K think they’ve had an offer accepted on.

It was a tad rough in the pool today, I’ve no idea why they left the water in it as I’m sure no one of sane mind would’ve ventured into it today! Extra…it’s someone’s job to keep the black lines on the deck walkway in tip top condition.

Thanks to whoever is hosting Silly Saturday today.

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