
There were tears this morning when I took the wee one to nursery…I think he thought I was going to disappear again! Put a load of washing on before going to Zumba and walking the prom but it was threatening rain when I got home so I’ve only just hung it out this evening. Picked the wee one up from nursery and had him for the rest of the afternoon…he was nodding off in the back seat when I got dropped off home after handing over the car to MC.

G and K are chuffed to bits tonight having had their offer accepted on the cottage. It’s going to take a lot of work before it’s habitable but they’ll do as much themselves as possible to keep costs down. They’re looking at a completion date at the end of August just before they jet off to South Africa so it’ll be a little while before they get started properly.

Next job in my garden is to scrub down my back gate and fencing…which has turned green over time…so I can paint it my colour of choice rather than make do with the weathered look it currently sports.

Thanks to Nickimags888 for hosting Mono Monday this month.

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