Marching Bands Festival at Hampton Court

Today we looked after our grandson while his parents went to an exhibition London so decided to go to Hampton Court to check out the Marching Bands Festival which was taking place. This is one of the seven bands taking part. They were all from parts of the U.K. except one from Tennesse! It was running well behind schedule so we did not see that one marching. Hampton Court was very crowded today but we did go through the kitchens first and saw some big joints of ham being roasted over an open fire on a spit you could turn. Our grandson had a go at this! 
Also in the kitchens I recognised Ruth Goodman showing round a small group….she has appeared in many historical TV programmes where they live as Victorian’s etc…I had to look up her name!

Later at home we were joined by the other grandchildren and went to the playground, then tea. So a busy, and tiring day!

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