
By jennym999

Teddington Memorial Hospital

Today I went for a routine mammogram at our local hospital and was impressed with a display of photos etc about the history of the hospital. I was in no hurry so I did read it…the hospital was founded as a cottage hospital by Thomas Chapell, of the music publishing  family, in an existing large house in 1875. A new hospital was built and opened in 1929 and was called the Memorial Hospital and it has a big War Memorial outside re WW1 with 377 names. There is always a big service and wreath laying there on  Remembrance Sunday every year.

Since its opening the hospital has expanded with several new wings but the front entrance looks much the same. See extra for photo of the original hospital. It now has lots of departments and is good to be able go there instead of having to go to a Kingston or West Middlesex.

After I went up the main street and had a look in the charity shops but only bought some Birthday cards!

A dull day and quite chilly plus a little drizzle too. Not very summery!

I will go to the allotment to do watering as even if we get rain it is very very dry there.

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