
I don’t know whether or not it’s a coincidence, but I think we have seen fewer pigeons in the garden today. Maybe they got the hint from the spikes we had fixed to their perching places on the roof yesterday!

You may remember that a couple of days ago I posted a photo of a little copper church that was given to us many years ago by friends of ours who were missionaries in Arequipa, Peru. They are both now retired, and are living in southern Spain and we haven’t seen them for a few years. Until this morning, that is, when the doorbell rang and there they were, standing on our doorstep, with broad smiles on their faces! 

They’d been to the Atrium for a coffee and were walking down to the Broadway to meet their son for lunch, and stopped by to say hello. I couldn’t believe it when I saw them, because I didn’t know they were in the UK. (They only arrived yesterday.) We invited them in and got chatting, and then I got out my iPad and showed them Wednesday’s blip, which we all agreed was quite a coincidence. 

Finally, The Traveller arrived back home from Malta this morning as planned, just for a flying visit because he has a hospital appointment on Monday. An hour later our visitors arrived – and they are his Godparents! The likelihood of the three of them meeting up here, when our friends live in Spain and he lives in Malta, is pretty slim. It was meant to be. He chatted away to them merrily and kept them amused with his backhand remarks about his ageing parents. 

It's no coincidence that I'm posting another photo of my planted tub, though. It's just that I've had a busy day and didn't have time to do anything else but pop out into the garden before supper and take a quick shot before it starts to rain.

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