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There’s been a huge increase in the number of feral pigeons in our area lately, and they got a bit too close to home for our liking when they started nesting in a corner of the eaves at the back of our house. The noise and the mess was horrible, so today we had some chaps in to clean out all the detritus, sanitise the roof tiles and then weld these stainless steel spikes in place to deter them from returning. I just hope it does the trick and the pigeons don’t find another suitable location on our roof. Hopefully we’ve spiked all the likely corners.

We had a good amount of rain overnight, which nearly filled the water butt, and I’ve dead headed the roses, so the garden is looking much happier. I am so pleased with the long-handled secateurs I bought last year, which keep hold of whatever you snip off, allowing you to deposit it in the refuse bag. It makes light work of the job and saves a lot of clambering over box hedges and flower beds trying to reach all the blooms.

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