Wet pink foxglove

Nathaniel’s sports day postponed (due to rain) till Monday when both parents are working so I’ve cancelled my walk with Gill in order to step up.

Jenny did a great job on-line getting our book festival tickets. I’ve not been so successful getting my train tickets.

Warning - First world stress coming below.

Mr C was on his computer so offered to buy me my tickets.
Found no trains running after 8pm so can’t get back after Polly Toynbee.
He came to the rescue by suggesting I got train to Tweedbank and he’d drive the hour to pick me up. Daft but we can take the van and stay somewhere up there.
Bought ticket to Tweedbank, but can’t download to computer, only available to use via Trainline App.
Downloaded App
Couldn’t find a way to access ticket as he had used his computer to buy.
He Emailed me ticket confirmation.
I used the link and ticket appeared. Phew

So far so good. Next up return to Kinghorn to stay with Jenny.

Found tickets on app but coming back it has me going from Kinghorn to Kirkcaldy then Edinburgh, whizzing through the station I’d just left. I could have got a direct train to Edinburgh but we were both so fed up after 2 hours trying to sort it out we didn’t notice. “How do old people manage?” the 80 year old asked me.

At least I stopped him in time before he had me returning in September. Good try Mr C but you won’t get rid of me that easily.

I’m back to my book “The Fell” by Sarah Moss, an easy read to de-stress. Mr C has gone to measure up for wood to fix the back porch.

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