A good walk

Ailie picked me up and we headed for Alnham but the road was closed so by the time we did all the detours it was 10.30 before we set off up the steep track. The flies were bad on our way up through the lovely wild flower path in the wood but once we hit the open moor we got a welcome breeze.

We had a great catch up as we headed over the moors and down to Ewertly Shank, the remote farm where a friend of my dad’s lived. He perished in a snow storm in the 1960s trying to get walking home over the moors after being at the sheep sales.

We turned back from there then at the top of the track decided to take a longer route back but the path was indistinct so we returned to the main track, following it down till we reached the track to Hazelrigg. From there it was a steep climb up by the side of a bluebell wood then it was a stroll down to the church where we started. We did 9 miles and 24,000 steps. A great day.

Jenny did well on-line and got everything we wanted for the book festival apart from Gordon Brown. We are also going to one concert in the Queens Hall, one in the Usher Hall and a dance thing so there’s a big bill but a lot to look forward to.

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