Loch Morar walk

The forecast looked much brighter today so we planned to walk along the side of Loch Morar following the path to Tarbet. No roads run there and you either walk or take the wee ferry to Mallaig. The walk is around 5 and a half miles once you reach the end of the single track road from the main road that runs through the village of Morar. The walk to the send of the road adds another 3 miles. We’re thinking of doing that when we come back in September.

Todays walk was 4km in and 4km back again. A bit challenging in places but beautiful scenery and spotted a fixer upper too. Phin was behaving very nicely off lead until he was startled by a sheep in the bracken and he headed off to join them. Naughty boy.

Popped in to Mallaig to pick up something fir the rather unattractive bites on my legs (and bizarrely one on my rib cage) as they’re quite itchy. The only kind available contains lidocaine so it’s pretty cooling.

In Fort William yesterday I withdrew some cash and although I received the money, my card did not reappear. I was able to freeze it on the mobile app and have today cancelled it to request a new one as apparently it will be destroyed as the bank staff cannot retrieve it. At least Apple Pay still works.

We took down the awning when we got back as the forecast isn’t great for tomorrow, much cursing from Mr PHL when I couldn’t read his mind and be in the right place at the right time. We got there in the end!

Heading off to the hotel in the village for dinner as there is Americana music happening so we’re looking forward to a pleasant evening.

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting AbstractThursday. I liked the shadows on this patch of ferns and just did a wee bit of editing.

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