Rainy day

We enjoyed our meal out last night and stayed for a nightcap to listen to the musicians who came ashore from their tall ship moored in the bay. They sail for a week and learn traditional tunes as they go. Last night was Americana and they sounded fab. I was looking forward to putting my feet up when we got back but the waste water tank was almost full, we’d run out if fresh water and the cassette toilet needed emptying so I had a busy 20 minutes walking back and forwards to sort everything out. I was glad to go to bed!

A tad wet overnight but managed to get Phin walked this morning in between showers. We had a lazy morning in the caravan whilst Phin slept. I finished off the book I was reading in my kindle and Mr PHL put in some time in the watercolour painting he’s been working on the last couple of weeks at art class.

After lunch we took a trip down to Glenfinnan and started the walk from the viaduct to the station museum. It was very wet and quite slidey underfoot so we turned back about half way along.

Back to the site via the wee supermarket in Mallaig where I bought a few ingredients for dinner. Beef massaman curry was rather tasty. Now watching the tide go out and enjoying the quiet as the rain has finally stopped.

Thanks to BikerBear for hosting FlowerFriday. These thistles? Are growing at the entrance to the campsite and I love the vibrant colour.

Heading back to Inverness tomorrow so an early night beckons.

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