Mixed weather

Another day of sunshine and showers but we made it into Fort William to the outdoors shop as Mr PHL wanted new walking boots. However after a chat with the very knowledgeable staff member and a quick walk on the gait analysis machine, we came away with new insoles and socks. It wasn’t the cheapest but apparently my National trust for Scotland member qualified us for 15% off.

I picked up a couple of tee shirts and a pair of cheap walking sandals in a different outdoors shop which frequently has 70% off sales.

A quick run round the supermarket, a hair raising drive back to Arisaig (lots of traffic executing very unsafe overtaking manoeuvres), a romp on the beach with Phin and I then had time to make dinner. Another recipe from my Pinch of nom cookbook, nasi goreng which was quite delicious.,

Thanks for hearing with my whilst I caught up on blip yesterday and for the hearts and stars for yesterday’s raindrops.

It’s my brother’s 60th today and I love this picture of him aged about 2.

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