Best Friends

My best friend with her best friend (today.)

Stella's garden companion of choice varies from day to day; yesterday it was pink pig, today it's bunny. This is one of the few relatively undestroyed soft toys she owns. 50p from a car boot sale donkeys years ago but to her he's precious!

A quiet day for me. Very tired after being busy yesterday. Rather groggy, slightly dizzy, headache on the left, earache on the right.

Made the right decision to do an online grocery order and that arrived 3 hours early, I'd prepared today's blog already so just one click and that was published, my mum & brother called in with ducks eggs from the market and purple freesia from my great aunt too so now I can do nothing for the rest of the day.

Feet up & catch up with this week's Come Dine With Me I think :)

Speaking of the blog, it's Welcome To Summer With Teapigs and they've offered another discount for my readers. I think I'm using mine on the Peppermint this time as it's soothing for my tummy and this week I learned it's also good when you have a migraine.

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