
The Digital Photography School Challenge for today.

I took this on walkies with Stella and picked this view as it wont be there for long. This land is now earmarked to be built on with a new school. What with the proposed supermarket, petrol station & pub, this end of town is going to be very active in the coming months & years by the looks of things.

For the first time I noticed you can actually see Ely cathedral from here. Wonder how clear she is on a good rather than a grey day? My eye is always drawn first to the very many pylons across our fields.

Also notice I have a small shadowy mark appearing on photos almost bottom right. On this shot it looks like a dark patch of field below the cathedral. I've cleaned the lens but it's still there. Any ideas what would be causing it?

I did my first voluntary stint in the local charity shop today. Enjoyed it very much. Very much more than the job I get paid for but needs (and family) must. Going back to help out tomorrow afternoon too :)

Tonight I'm going out. All on my own as usual but haven't been brave enough to venture out on an evening alone before. Feeling quite anxious and possibly picked the wrong thing as my first time out alone after dark... a talk about Jack The Ripper! But, I have a couple of the speaker's books and think it will be really interesting.

Providing I don't get mugged or worse walking back to my car, I'll see you all back here tomorrow!

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