Turk's Cap Lillies

It was raining.  We haven’t had rain for so long and it wasn’t wanted today, as I had friends visiting.  It was very hot and muggy so I decided not to run this morning, as I think I would have struggled.  Instead I pottered and then got myself ready to go and meet R and C.  Just as I was getting ready to leave, BB appeared home from school – finished for the week and moaning about wet feet and of needing new school jumpers.  He has three days of school left this academic year, so I told him they would do for three days!!
I met R and C from the bus.  They wanted to do a garden tour.  The rain stopped just after I met them, and we wandered to our first stop – St Marys’ Pleasance, with brief stops off at the Normandy Garden and lady Kitty’s Garden.  We were welcomed to St Mary’s Pleasance by the gardener and he chatted to us for ages.  He was lovely, with lots of interesting information.  He kept saying, I’ll leave you ladies and get back to work, and then he was there again, telling us another story, or telling us about the plants. 
We eventually left and wandered around by the river to the Oriental Garden, then through the park to a café for lunch.  My “schedule” was well behind, but we then strode out to Amisfield walled garden and had a look around.  They were setting up for an open day tomorrow, but both R and C were very impressed by the scale of the garden and that there was lots to see.  We wandered back into town, taking it more slowly, with a thought of tea and cake, except the café we were going to, had just closed.  We wandered back to the Waterside and sat by the river and enjoyed a couple of drinks.  The day had passed all too quickly, especially as I realised it was after 6pm, and TT and I had arranged to meet a couple of friends in another hostelry for a couple of drinks.  He got there late and I got there late, but we had a good catch up and a couple of drinks, before TT had to zoom home to do a Zoom call, and I picked up some food for tea.  It wasn’t very inspired, but was quick and easy.
BB appeared home later and he and I watched a bit of Glastonbury, but I had no staying power, so went to bed.  
This is a pretty corner of St Mary’s Pleasance after the rain.

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