Nelson’s Monument

A day in the office for me today.  We caught the bus with plenty of time to spare this morning,  I was in the office for about an hour, before heading out to Dishoom for a Team breakfast.  It was really nice for us all to get together again, and of course the breakfast was fabulous as ever.  Lots of non-work chat – which tend to get lost on Teams calls.  Everyone enjoyed it – a lovely way to start the day, and nice to all get together before everyone starts disappearing off on summer holidays over trhe next couple of months.
Once back in the office, I had a catch up meeting with one of my teams, which was helpful in ironing out some work that has landed from left field.  At lunchtime I wasn’t sure whether I was hungry or not, but popped out for some lunch for later.  A large part of the afternoon was then taken up with ca catch up with one of my other teams and a bit of a forward look at what’s coming up.
Everyone started to drift off home and I caught up with my in box, before logging off for the week and went in search of a bus home.  I just missed one, so had to wait on the next one, which was packed, but fortunately I got a seat.
TT was out with a friend tonight and BB was out with R.  I fed myself and then popped out for a few steps.  It is still very hot.
I took this blip of Nelson’s Monument when I left the office this evening.  It was still a beautiful day.

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