Welcoming Committee

Starlings nest above the front door every year. We could block the hole and maybe we should but I don't really mind. They're noisy and make a mess of the front door step but it's not for long. Here's this year's chicks looking out anxiously for a snack. Of more concern is the awful state of the paint and ironwork but that's another matter. 

My grandson slept for 13 hours last night. Two nights under canvas and active days added up to a tired boy. It was much cooler last night and easier for everyone to sleep. Well, I was awake at 04:00  but after I'd had a cup of tea and done wordle I went back for a doze. 

There was an alert on my phone to log onto the local leisure centre's website at 10:00. I was fortunate to secure a place for my younger granddaughter in the 3-5s climbing class. It's competitive to book as it's very popular and I wasn't sure there would be a space. The block starts when schools go back in August.  It's just a shame it's only on Wednesday as I'd book a Monday session for my grandson if I could. He'll have to make do with swimming  but that's OK. 

The wee lad is going home a bit early today. I'll get out in the garden for weeding later on.  

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