Pink Poppy

Another day working from home, so another pre-work walk.  I watched a duck family on the weir, and got a bit worried when a heron appeared, but if flew away.  Hopefully it did not come back. 
I hadn’t long logged on, when a colleague contacted me for a chat.  That turned into a very long chat, as he was in a state.  I’m not quite sure what was up, but my amateur psychology suggested that it may have stemmed from  a bit of trouble he had with his teenage some this morning.  Anyway, at the end of it, I told him to take some time away from his laptop and to go out for  a walk to clear his head.  I think he pretty much disappeared for the day, but hopefully that will have helped him.  Some days it feel like I need to be a therapist at work!
Following my own advice, I went out for a walk at lunchtime.  It has been another lovely day and so warm.
TT had a work dinner with some visitors this evening, so I was only catering for two.
Last year the Council put weed killer on the patch of land where these poppies grow – and they all disappeared.  I am glad to see some have survived and are blooming again.  They were blowing in the wind at lunchtime and we’re tricky to capture!

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