
Some people on local social media pages refer to Lincoln Cathedral as "Cathy" purely to give others on the same pages something to get their britches in a bunch over. This is where we are at as a society these days...

Today I was off to a reasonably early start since I was up before Brian went to work. It might as well have been a late start as a migraine began as I was having my breakfast. I took the Migraleve tablets and fell asleep on the sofa for half an hour. It worked and the migraine has gone away.

Late morning I decided to go into town and collect medication from Boots and look for a Blip. I bought a home-made cake from a bakery stall as I had a craving for something sweet, and called it my lunch. It was a strawberries and cream cake which tasted good, but Jeri's baking has spoilt me for most others. This was considerably sweeter than her offerings, and not such a light yet rich texture!

Whilst in town I took this photo from the pedestrian bridge over Broadgate. It's not the first time I've Blipped this...

This afternoon I visited my Dad again He seemed quite a bit better than yesterday though still nowhere near back to normal of course. He was seen by the consultant today and is still awaiting the scans, but now they are thinking they will be able to treat it without surgery... His hand does look better than it did, but it has improved before and got worse again. I hope it won't be one of those things that seems to get better, then flares up again.

Looking forward to a glass or two of (fish-bladder-free) wine tonight!

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