Everyday Life

By Julez


Brian's boss kindly said that Brian could have a late start today, and following a conversation with a guy we met at Chambers wood yesterday, Brian decided to go to Fiskerton Fen first thing this morning to look for lizards, snakes etc. soaking up the early rays of sunshine. I decided to tag along.

They have been seen there before - just not by us. This time proved no different unfortunately. I am still waiting to see a lizard in the wild for the first time. I have seen a snake once - not exactly in the wild though it was a wild adder. 

In my early 20's I worked for a time as a kitchen assistant in a very posh boarding school. One of the groundsmen came across an adder in the grounds, popped him into a bucket and brought him in to show us kitchen lasses.  It was a lovely snake - beautiful markings - and was safely released away from the school. I've never seen another wild one since unfortunately, though I've held a couple of more exotic snakes at wildlife parks. 

I'm using a scenery photo since the only other decent shots I got were of a Skipper and I Blipped one of those yesterday.

Once home I had a coffee then finally got round to shifting some stuff around upstairs. Also cleaned the bathroom and I'm soaking the cooker grill tray as we speak! That is enough housework for today though there's more to tackle tomorrow.

Soon it will be time to go to Morrison's. I don't need much as I managed to get most of what I wanted in Lidl yesterday.

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